Monday, September 21, 2009

Figuring out Mondays

The offices of FLCC are closed on Mondays, but Mondays are a work day for me. Anecdotally, I have observed that about 2/3 of pastors take Mondays off because they like that day for recovery after the intensity of Sunday. I always find myself too tired on a Monday to enjoy a day off from work, so I slog through Mondays and in the past have devoted most Mondays to activities that require a little less brain power, such as filling out forms, organizing my office, organizing committee work, etc. I love taking Friday off because if I don't have to work on a Saturday, I feel like I have a real weekend once in awhile.

Because FLCC is a different kind of congregation and the staff is essentially not around on Monday, I've pondered a few ideas.

1. Hang out at a local coffee house with some reading and writing and have conversations with locals.
2. Focus on reading for about half the day and basic administrative work the rest of the day.
3. Begin work on future sermon series while getting a running start on Sunday's sermon.
4. Find local high school activities to attend in the afternoon.

I arrived at thinking about what tasks I should address and the big picture of my actions from a recent post from Seth Godin's blog. Godin believe that lists are a good thing for real productivity--and I would tend to agree with him, but David Allen has a smarter methodology for lists in his book Getting Things Done. I'm not a huge disciple of Allen, but I've stuck with some basic Allen principles for over 4 years--the in and out boxes, and asking the question "What's the next action?" This kind of processing and thinking helped me survive my first multi-staff senior pastor position and allowed me to take purging unneeded stuff  and activities out of my life.

I'm also open to suggestions about where I should park myself on a Monday. I will take most ideas into consideration.

1 comment:

  1. I suggest browsing the bookshelves at the local library in your area, especially those books by authors whose views you do not agree with, in an attempt to prove yourself wrong about some strong opinion or pet theory you hold. WARNING: This can be dangerous to one's sense of self-righteousness and take more than one or two Mondays! On the other hand, you may find out your'e right!
