Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bonus Bests for 2011: Topics That Hit Nerves

New Year's Eve will always be special to me. My wife and I have had some great dates on this date, one being one of our greatest dates of all time. Our first child was born on December 31, 2002. I'm naturally reflective on December 31. I skip the resolutions. I take a look back. I take a look forward. I do my best to live thankfully.

These two blog posts continue to get hits, even though neither was written in 2011. I want to share them with you on this reflective day for me.

1. Ten Commandments Mnemonic Used In Kids Sermon This post has nearly 1000 hits since I posted it in May, 2010, leading any other post I have made by almost 700 hits. I get at least 3-4 hits per week. I find this amusing for two reasons. First, it's enjoyable to see all the different spellings of "mnemonic" in web searches (pneumonic is my favorite). Second, most of the searches occur on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. Me thinks people are desperate for tools to teach the Commandments in Sunday School. I cannot take credit for this teaching tool, Nate Hanson, a Lutheran pastor in South Dakota shared this with me about 10 years ago, and I still use it to this day.

2. Remembering Dave Niehaus This was also a 2010 post. It still gets hits (it's in the top 5 for this blog all time). I still miss Dave Niehaus. Seattle Mariners fans know the gaping hole that was left in the culture of the region when Dave died in November, 2010. The popularity of the post reminds me how deeply people search when a loved one dies and how the soul is stirred. Someday Mariners broadcasting will move forward, but Dave will never be replaced. The scenario reminds me a lot of my 10 years in interim ministry.

Thank you for sharing with me in 100 posts for 2011. Happy New Year to everyone--blessings to all of you!

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