Monday, November 11, 2013

Love Cannot Be Indifferent (Sermon Audio based on Job 19:23-27a)

One word is often associated with the story of Job: patience. Regardless of whether patience is a fair assessment of Job, the story provides insight to a loving relationship. Job shows anger and frustration. In communicating his love for a God that seems to have abandoned him, Job is anything but indifferent. A loving God is not indifferent to humanity, as exhibited in the suffering and death that Christ endured in the midst of humanity. If the people of God are called to communicate the love of God, indifference is not an option.

In the wake of the numerous suicides of US Veterans after wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, what it means to not be indifferent is challenging. The response to US Veterans coming home from war has covered a wide spectrum, from the celebration of returning WWII soldiers, and the shameful response to Vietnam War veterans. Parades and flag waving are easy, being present and grace-filled to those who have faced death is hard.


  1. i appreciate you sharing this. This message is about God's will and trusting God even when things don't go good. Please excuse some skippings in the video and other flaws. I've been piecing together this video because I shot it in different places. I made one error in the beginning by saying "God gave in". that was the wrong wording. I tried to edit it out but it didn't work
