Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wow! A Council Meeting!

This headline is not common in Lutheran circles. In my experience, either people come to a council meeting ready for battle, or if they happen to like each other, they bring something comfortable and/or caffeinated because it's going to be a long evening.

It's only two meetings in which I have observed/participated, but we don't have rancor or meandering at First Lutheran Community Church council meetings. When committee reports don't tie up the agenda--we share faith stories, talk about the big picture, stay informed, encourage one another, eat, and go home--in under 90 minutes. Pastor Orv and I didn't have to stay at the church for an hour afterward to debrief about the power dynamics in the parking lot, and my jaw is not tight from the anxiety. I don't mind the anxiety, but I'm human. Sometimes the anxiety affects me.

I'm sure that anxious days will come. Anxiety always accompanies change. I think this congregation is decently equipped to address anxiety appropriately, but it's my calling to do some more equipping. A council/staff retreat on Saturday, November 7th will address that topic of leading in the midst of anxiety.

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