Friday, January 20, 2012

Considering Profound Disappointment With The World

Watching those who speak and/or write about society, is it possible to avoid the ethos of anger or disappointment?

One of the popular ways someone can gain people to join a cause is through anger and disappointment. Check the political debates. Read your favorite columnist. Watch the pundits on Sunday. Listen to the radio. Check out a message board. Go to a local cafe. Participate in a discussion in a church fellowship hall.

Sometimes I read my own blog and discover that my most "popular" blog posts are when I am my angriest.

Join me in reading John 3:16-17. On what section do you focus?

I recognize I come from a place of privilege in the world. I also know injustice is rampant, which makes me sad, angry, and often disappointed. Once in awhile, I'll do something about it.

If God actually loves the world (or was it only a one time thing when Jesus showed up), I have a hard time reconciling that all I can do is be disappointed or angry with the world.


  1. People stay stuck in anger and disappointment because it makes it easier to blame other people and to place the responsibility on others to change things. We can use anger and disappointment as motivation to act, but our actions will not have a positive impact unless we first let go of the anger and disappointment and replace it with forgiveness and hope. This makes me think of something I read recently about the Vietnamese Buddhist nun and peace activist Chân Không, who talks about "walking in the direction of beauty." Which sounds like a great way to walk away from anger and disappointment.

  2. That's a good reason to not watch politics on television. Thanks, Diane. It sounds a little like, "if you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven. If you retain the sins of any, they are retained."
